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2024-2025 ACHS Athletics Season

American Canyon High School Athletic Purpose Statement

Our Purpose:

American Canyon High School Athletics Coaching Staff have committed ourselves to improve our athletic program, our teams, and our student-athletes within our programs. Our goal is to PREPARE, PLAN, AND COMPETE TO WIN. Our PURPOSE is much more significant as we will strive to develop compassionate community leaders:

  • Champions of Character embracing a positive attitude and competitive spirit, with respect and resilience.
  • Champions of Commitment living team unity for the greater good of the program and community. 
  • Champions of Competition in preparation and performance in sport, school, and community.

ACHS Athletics Believes: As coaches, educational-based athletics and the craft of coaching have a tremendous ability to impact our student-athletes lives.  

  1. People remember how you made them feel, not what was said. What does it feel like to be coached by you?
  2. Our real impact will be determined after our players leave and become adults. Have we done everything to help them be positive role models, parents, spouses, and citizens?
  3. The process yields the product. It is a transferable skill that transcends athletics. Have we empowered our student-athletes to control their self-actualization?

Nondiscrimination Statement

The Napa Valley School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals and does not allow discrimination, intimidation, harassment, including sexual harassment, or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality/national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification/ethnicity, age, religion, marital status/ pregnancy/ parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, medical information or association with a person or group with one of more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact our District Equity Officer and District Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator for Employee Affairs: Dana Page, Assistant Superintendent Human Resources, 2425 Jefferson St., Napa CA 94558, 707-253-3571,; and/or District Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator for Student Affairs: District Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Mike Mansuy, Director of Student Services, 2425 Jefferson St., Napa CA 94558,,, 707-253-3815.

Vine Valley Athletic League Info

Purchase Your Tickets To ACHS Sporting Events

ACHS Go Pack Athletic Boosters

Athletic Clearance Process

Athletics Schedules 

Athletic Seasons

Coaches Contact Information

NVUSD Athletics

Student-Athlete Parent Handbook

Title IX, Nondiscrimination and Harrassment

VVAL - AD'S Meeting Agenda


Sports physical forms

Sports Physical Form - Spanish (PDF)

Sports Physical Form - English (PDF)

Napa Valley Unified School District Equity Officer

District Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator for Employee Affairs

Dana Page
Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
Napa Valley Unified School District
2425 Jefferson St., Napa CA 94558
Phone: 707-253-3571
Fax: 707-253-3953

District Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator for Student Affairs

District Section 504/ADA Coordinator

Rupi Bhatti
Director of Student Services
Napa Valley Unified School District
2425 Jefferson St., Napa CA 94558
Phone: 707-253-3815
Fax: 707-253-3947